Invite UV&Me to motivate and teach your students how to protect against sun damage

Don't let your students grow up to develop melanoma and claim,
"No one ever told us we should keep the sun out of our skin."

The messengers

UV&Me presentations are delivered by actively enrolled medical students who are advised by a faculty member at their university. Most medical students are in their 20s, affording them a strong advantage in relating to children, especially adolescents. By having achieved admission to medical school, the med students are natural role models and “influencers” while they are mature enough to take skin cancer prevention very seriously.

Med Students from the UC Irvine chapter, each wearing the UV&Me uniform T-shirt
Medical students at Univ of Calif, Irvine

The message

Through the UV&Me program, medical student volunteers visit a school classroom or children’s group in person, or by webinar, to deliver an interactive skin cancer prevention program lasting approximately 45 minutes. The presentation materials will have been prior-reviewed and approved by board-certified dermatologists to include age-appropriate discussion of our established curriculum topics, including:

  • Components of solar radiation, including ultraviolet rays
  • Skin cancer, general concept (Elementary level)
  • Skin cancer development (Secondary level)
  • Sun exposure as the major cause of skin cancer
  • Sun protection methods
  • Discouragement of sun tanning

Presentations for all grade levels are offered. The medical students will strive not only to inform but to motivate your class members to adopt a sun-safe lifestyle which will reduce their risk of developing skin cancer.

Sun with solar flares

Schedule a presentation

If you are a teacher, school nurse, or children’s group leader and would like to request a presentation, please scan our Directory and reach out to the medical student president at the UV&Me chapter nearest to you. When in-person presentation is not feasible, a webinar might be possible. In case you have questions or need additional assistance, please Contact Us.

Computer keyboard with a large orange key labeled "Contact us"

Sun safety lessons for elementary grades

Award-winning educational videos from Sun Safety for Kids are available to watch at its YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@SunSafetyForKids. Two highly entertaining and completely different versions of The Sun Show inform elementary-school-aged children about the dangers of UV radiation and motivate them to practice sun safety. In the YouTube description click on “…more” for a link to the accompanying Teacher’s Guide featuring conversation tips, and a quiz for the older children. Request UV&Me medical students to conduct a Sun Show presentation event for your class, but feel free to screen the video yourself if a presentation cannot be scheduled.

Front covers of both versions of The Sun Show as DVDs

Trouble scheduling?

The UV&Me program is expanding rapidly into medical schools across the USA and Canada. Check our Directory for the med school closest to you. In case there are not enough medical students to fulfill all the requests for a presentation, you might consider using our PowerPoint, with complete dialog in the Speaker’s Notes, to deliver the presentation yourself. Please Contact Us if you would like to request a download. And, for Elementary teachers, see “Sun safety lessons” (above) and screen The Sun Show for your class. 

Classroom teacher clipart
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